Francis Duggan - For The Decisions Of A Few Powerful People

2014-06-12 3

For the decisions of a few powerful people does all of humankind have to pay?
for people are suffering and dying through violence and bombings each day
We live in dread of scary people and of acts of terrorism we so often hear
And those who declare war on terror only expose us to violence and fear.

One terrorist calls another a terrorist and it takes one for to know one they say
And because of them good people are suffering and dying in the most tragic way
The well treated dog is so lovable but the dog badly treated will bite
And just like the big school yard bully there's always one to test his might.

We hear of the Axis Of Evil but that's propaganda nothing more
And words like we are the good guys and they the bad guys one might say we've heard that before
Peace is never won by aggression and one form of terrorism to another form lead
And war a nom de plume for terrorism for more terrorism is sowing the seed.

For the decisions of a few powerful people why must we live in fear of the pay back
And one terrorist calls another a terrorist and human rights under attack
And the so called good guys who condemn the bad guys their right to cast aspersions on others assume
But in a World of so much aggression the flower of peace will never bloom.

Francis Duggan