Bashyam Narayanan - Varying moods

2014-06-12 30

Varying moods

Our moods swing
From one extreme of joy
To the other extreme of sorrow
With the environ changing

Colour and shade can change
Sound levels can change
Sound modulation may change
Temperature outside may change
Wind speed may change
Harshness of sun may change
The bright moon may go under cloud
The person you are interacting with may change
The words, tone and language
Of the person talking with you may change
The news you heard may have an unexpected change
And many, many things keep changing

Each change or the combination of the changes
Trigger a mood variance
Closely examine
Moods vary not
Because of the changes outside
But because of your perception
Of the changes

You perceive that the change outside
Can have an impact on you
In your favour or otherwise
So, you start reacting accordingly
Effecting a mood change

Perceive objectively
Regardless of its impact on you
Act appropriately
Keeping your cool and
Effectively guarding against the
Varying moods

Bashyam Narayanan