- Has fantasized my phantom soul
Not much of her will she reveal
Nor; will this weathered spirit need surreal
Query, has curiosity intervened
be left that which fate see ever blind
We roam life's shores, for its sandy lures
In hopes of a wave, bathe our lonesome bore
Evening awakens my sleep less hands
Their stroke upon letters that softy speak of -
Mermaids and Gods of ocean depths and spiritual sky
Dolphins, friendly Whales swim freely by
Horizons and moon lit waves reflect -
Impassioned wakes of their Omni presence peek
Raiment finned, with swiftness they swim
Of my own, disrobe without their need
Speed these arms, and ever their heart rule
At last, have stars wish these dreams be true
Jeweled shells, upon sanded carpet lay
where mortal steps discover, and giftedly embrace
O Mermaid,
Thou hath lured me with thy beauty
and; will ever more, these dreams be
on moonlit shores and magic keys
really real
© 5: 48 AM 6/2/2006
Shelley's hugs for me before and after breakfast where she worked as a waitress had inspired this poem for her. She has long since left to be a scuba diver instructor. Her love for the Ocean and Marine life had her identify herself as a 'Mermaid'. One of many of my own fantasies of being hugged for real, come spiritually, true. Ever, to be awoken dream-fully, while reading her poem.
Louie Levy