My brother has cancer
He’s four years older than me
He’s all that I have left
Of my original family
Medicine freaks him out
So in the hospital he goes
He’s also got dementia
How long he has, know one knows
So I’ve been thinkin’ quite a lot
About our childhood together
It was just he and I
And our dad and our mother
We played games constantly
Got in trouble when we’d fight
But that was a game as well
Our young world seemed so bright
Mom was sick a lot it seemed
I learned to cook quite young
I remember when my brother
Wouldn’t eat the gravy I spun
“I can’t eat this” he would say
“It’s got lots of lumps in there”
But now it makes me smile
So many memories we share.
But his mind is going quickly
I have to visit while it lasts
Chat about the happy times
Of our wonderful childhood past!
Marilyn Lott