Theresa Haffner - Plutonium

2014-06-12 4

The first time the world was destroyed was by water.

The second time was by fire.

The third time the world was destroyed was by megaton nuclear warheads aimed against the world capitals in 'mutually assured destruction.'

The fourth time the world was destroyed was by global warming,
depletion of the ozone layer, desertification, deforestation and defoliation of the Amazon rain forests and old growth redwood timberland.

The fifth time the world was destroyed was by man's inhumanity to man, cruelty and suffering caused by greed and indifference.

The sixth time the world was destroyed was by contamination of the atmosphere, pollution of the rivers and streams, and eventually, the ocean itself.

The seventh time the world was destroyed was by epidemic infectious disease released by a bioterrorist attack.

The eighth time the world was destroyed was by the close approach and near collision of a planetoidal body with a gravitational field strong enough to pull the Earth out of its orbit and send it spiraling into the sun.

The ninth time the world was destroyed was by plutonium, the radio active waste product of uranium created from the peace time uses of nuclear energy having a half-life of 24,500 years.

The last time the world was destroyed was by ice

Theresa Haffner