Mahfooz Ali - Beautiful Mother would be! ! ! ! ! !

2014-06-12 4

One day she feels funny, in the morning she got sick
Started to get bigger, then she feels the baby kick
Some days she feels ugly, she thinks she looks too fat
Other days she is moody, and acts just like a brat
Clothes she used to wear, now they just won't fit
It gets harder to get up, every time she goes to sit
To give her baby life, she bares the scars of pain
First time she hears it cry, it releases all her strain
Such tiny little fingers, and perfect tiny little toes
The kind of love she's feeling, only a Mother knows
Now the baby is crying, it's time for them to eat
Mother calms the crying, her voice is soft and sweet
Changes the babies diaper, keeps them nice and dry
As she breast feeds them, she sings them a lullaby
To bad she can't see, what other people can see
A glow lights up her face, beautiful Mother to be.

Mahfooz Ali