God help me
Kid, I've finally had it up to here with you
After these 12 too long years
I've finally decided
Enough is enough
No more tantrums
No more begging me
'Mama, can I have this? '
'Mama, can I have that? '
It's all over
I tried my best to warn you
You did't listen
Now it's too late
No use going whimpering like a little b to your daddy
He can't help you now
Wanna know why?
Cos daddy don't wear the pants in this family
Mama does and mama says
That's it! I'm putting you up for adoption!
Once we're rid of you
Maybe your soon to ex daddy and I can finally have some peace
Maybe we can even finally have that little girl we always wanted
If we do
I sure hope that she turns out better then you
Cos I sure would hate to
But I will if I have to
Really really have to
Put her up for adoption too
Papers are signed
The deal is done
In just a few hours
Kid, you're gonna be outta my hair
Gone as if you never even exsisted
And now all I can seem to do is weep....
Tears of sheer joy
Feels so good that I just wanna dance and shout
Hallelujah! The brat is gone!
Thank God almighty! The little monster is gone!
2009 Ramona Thompson
Ramona Thompson