Angela Wybrow - Playing In The Snow

2014-06-12 19

Watching snowflakes silently falling,
Children find extremely enthralling.
They stand with mouths open in awe,
As, though the air, snowflakes soar.

When children first see snow outside,
Their excitement, they just cannot hide.
Through the air, the snowflakes swirl,
Delighting every little boy and girl.

They put on their coats and their scarves,
And the air is filled with joyous laughs.
Their pink, rosy cheeks are all aglow,
As they fashion men made of snow.

They love the way that the snow glints,
And love making trails of fresh footprints.
Despite snow being so wet and cold,
Handfuls of it, they just love to hold.

On a sledge, they slide down a hill.
They never seem to mind the chill.
Many children find much delight
In taking part in a snowball fight.

The cold chills their fingers and toes;
It chills their ears and their nose.
Freezing conditions, they happily bear,
And they all play on, without a care.

Angela Wybrow

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