john tiong chunghoo - Travel Haiku - Great Smoky Mountains (The United States)

2014-06-12 27

Great Smoky Mountains
he says his passion for her
would smoulder all

Great Smoky Mountains
a puff before he adds
more white to his clouds

Great Smoky Mountains
from our horses' nostrils too

Great Smoky Mountains
monks in their brown gowns
bent in prayers

Great Smoky Mountains
a stillness like uprooted

Pristine Great Smoky Mountains view
misty North Carolina and
Fontana Lake

Great Smoky Mountains
we let all our worries
settle with the clouds

Great Smoky Mountains
he interposes his face with his girl
over the lovely ranges

One of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet, Great Smoky Mountains National Park boasts more than 4,000 species of plants,130 trees,65 mammals,230 birds, and more species of salamanders than anywhere else on earth. Most tourists come here for car camping, leaving 900 miles of trails and 512,000 acres of uncongested backcountry for hiking adventures. For an ideal two-and-a-half-day hike, take the Clingmans Dome Bypass Trail. Tread nimbly and enjoy the dearth of humanity and the breathtaking views of North Carolina and Fontana Lake
The Great Smoky Mountains National Park has hundreds of miles of trails for equestrians, including the only sections of the Appalachian Trail open to horseback riders. Also, five auto-accessible horse camps make riding the Smokies even easier. More than 40 backcountry campsites also welcome equestrians.

john tiong chunghoo