Lawrence S. Pertillar - A Diminished Quality Of Life

2014-06-12 13

More will abandon those issues,
Said to be unjust.
By those outspoken,
To focus attention brought upon them.
Than they will to show support,
To the ones advocating rights of others...
Not to have them abdicated.
With a holding onto them to leave untouched.

'Why? '

For whatever the reason,
It is clear there are those who fear...
Losing their association,
With those who affiliate themselves...
As conformists to what they hold dear.
Even though a diminished quality of life is near.

'If' no one says anything,
Concerning this downward swing...
It will be noticed many are suffering.
And they will then 'eventually',
Show to all...
There has been a misunderstanding,
In the guidance of their compassion.'

You are right.
There is nothing that I notice most,
Than a mouth that is kept closed.
A presence that remains invisible.

Lawrence S. Pertillar