Dave Tanguay - Straight As in love (poem)

2014-06-12 4

The emphasis is on education we must develop the mind
Politicians proclaim, - we shall leave no child shall be left behind
Within four walls children are taught the importance of intelligence
With a high I.Q. - socially one gains highly respected acceptance

They study, they study, read their books through and through
Gaining knowledge of the system making sense of all the pooh
Their courses include a journey - way back in time
Where they claim we got our start from swinging from a vine

In biology class they learn all the functions of the heart
Excluding the love - not detected on their study chart
Psychology is required a course they must pass
For it explains in detail all the makings of an ass

I was never on top of my class when it came learning the rules
But I made straight A’s in love, - an art not taught in our schools

Dave Tanguay


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