Venkateswaran Krishnan Sreenivasan - Tomorrow

2014-06-12 5

Let tomorrow be like today, better or worse
I have few ambitions to nurse
This is the prayer of a contented soul
Grateful to the Lord for his blessings as a whole

The master craftsman of our body and mind
Time works wonders in all from behind
Attuned to all pervasive nature’s way
Prune your thoughts that lead you astray

Introspect and take stock of every day
Tomorrow will dawn as today in its sway
As the sun draws its veil, meditate and pray
Our strength and power for ever to stay

Today is akin to a running stream
To bathe and swim and in joy to scream
Tomorrow exists only in our dream
Hold today in your life supreme

Probing into our past brings painful tears
Furrowing into our future feeds phantom fears
Living in the present lends lasting cheers
Pray to heaven divine for healthy years

Venkateswaran Krishnan Sreenivasan