Lawrence S. Pertillar - Released From A Mental Bondage

2014-06-12 25

Being released from a mental bondage needless to keep,
Although once a condition accepted and perceived to represent...
A respecting of others in an environment which restricts,
Individual expressions expected to fit...
Within limitations others submit to exist,
Comes as an opportunity to disconnect and free...
One's indentity too strong to allow pretentions to deceive.
After examining the standards conflicting with values believed.

And yet, with an increasing clarified perspective kept...
Even to breathe with this freedom to 'Be' oneself felt,
There remains still a path to journey through obstacles...
That does not become easier to diminish the feeling of threats,
When it seems the benefits of doing this is more critiqued...
By those with minds unconscious and in deep sleep.
Only to momentarily awaken to seek something that offends,
From the mouths of those daring with an objective to stay aware...
As a choice to choose focus with a discipline that doesn't end.

Lawrence S. Pertillar