Bernard Snyder - 'What If

2014-06-12 4

What if everything we've ever done in the dark was secretly recorded,
What if the culprits behind every rumor
got prosecuted for all the controversy they started,
What if 'walls could talk' and told us
everything that goes on behind closed doors,
Would we then try and keep our own houses clean
or continue worrying about what you're doing in yours,
What if we could find out what folks say about us
by the 'flick of a light switch
Will we constantly overreact or
let it slide off our backs as if it
were nothing more than a flake from an ice chjp,
and what if governor Romney didn't make that stupid comment
about the 'other' forty-seven' percent,
we might have a leader that only cares about half the people
as our president,
luckily, these thoughts came about
while my mind was still adrift
none of these things will ever happen
but it does scare me when I think...what if!

Bernard Snyder