Mihaela Pirjol - Eternal Soul

2014-06-12 8

Eternal soul of mine, immortal you may be,
Through millions of years lives you lived,
You are the traveller in time with me;
On Earth again, my heart by your presence filled;
Mystery...though you are me, and I am you
And yet, each time to life reborn on springs of time,
No distant memory of past; by chance a deja-vu...
Your spirit’s essence is The God Divine!
How to discern with human limitation?
In vain my life, in vain my quest for Truth!
As I know, the less I know, confused sensation...
To my humble state succumb, for that’s my truth.
As I know, nothingness is all I am
And in nothingness I shall vanish in the end.

Mihaela Pirjol
