You... Momo boy
You are cold there
They have stripped you
Of your human qualities
To them you are just
Another statistic and
A semi human with no soul
They have declared you
Unfit to enjoy their company
Where you come from
The experts of the quack
Remedies have pronounced you
Mad.Insane beyond the expert
Comprehension of their dubious
And they have failed to see
That you were ahead of them
In seeing things they could
Scarcely understand and you
Had the misfortune of being
Lumped together with them
And you tried to end their
Superstition and when they
Clung to their false beliefs
Like that your nerve caved in
And instead of taking care
Of you they left you exposed
For your condition to worsen
So that they could point to you
And tell their friends that you
Are mad because you laughed at
The insanity of the madness of
Their wrong and harmful theories
BrokenHeartPheko Motaung