BrokenHeartPheko Motaung - (Sorrow poems) The maternity ward

2014-06-12 1

Is where the beautiful ones are born
They are these sensational infants now
We'll take them and nurture them
For unto their baby shoulders
There our hopes are pinned
The maternity ward is
The institution of the century
They cry and talk and shout in their
Own baby language to me and you my friend
And we must hasten to bring them up
In wisdom and shield them from
The world's bad influences
Come to this magnificent maternity ward
You will be bowled over when you see them
They are the sensational newborns of your times
Behold them
They are the leaders of tomorrow
And the peacemakers of the coming decades
Look at them and laugh and know that
In old age they will take care of you as
You go back to your second childhood

BrokenHeartPheko Motaung