In the beginning was the Word.
Before the dawn of time He stood.
Spoke creations word 'Let there be'
beginning this worlds destiny.
Light shot forth in splendid array
and commenced creations first day.
Galaxies sprang into being.
Pristine light at its beginning.
Earthly time Jesus first began
according to His wondrous plan.
Out of the dust making a man
and in His likeness formed Adam.
But mankind sinned and fell from grace.
Sin had entered the human race.
So God came to earth as a man
in Bethlehem where Jesus began.
Man and God, this great mystery
knit together so wonderfully.
By the Spirit in Virgin womb
God, in time a man had become.
This Babe now in Bethlehem born
has heralded a great new dawn.
Jesus, as man had come to earth.
Man enters heaven by new birth.
The new creation has begun.
The firstborn was God's only Son.
Many sons and daughters raising
join together in God praising.
By the Faithful and True Witness
all forgiven as they confess
to the Amen of salvation.
Beginning God's New Creation.
(additional background information is provided in the Poem's story box below)
Roy Allen