When I bring to You my troublesome plea..with Your listening so intent..
When I've thrown it round and round my head..and much Time has now been spent..
It is then I know You have set it up.. and have listened to my very heart..
From the Time I ask the reason why.. from start.. finish.. back to start.
You listen to my reasoning..which direction my thoughts go play..
You feel it when my words don't match what my heart is trying to say..
You sit right back and watch me spin..mind working in overdrive..
Till the very moment I work it out..feel Your answer just come alive.
You know my ways..the way I feel..what a humbling thought that be..
No need to put on any pretences..You have seen all there is of me..
Surrendering forces to You now..give up..can't hide from You..
As You already know what I'm going to ask..let alone what I'm going to do!
Do You know how safe that makes me feel..oh yes..of course You do..
Do You know while You are watching me..I am also watching You?
Knowing You more with every action..what You do..how You respond to me..
Then surely You know my heart is feeling..such Love for the One it does see.
Sharon Maree Smith