gajanan mishra - Do Not Disturb Me

2014-06-12 22

I am sleeping
I am in sleep
You know sleep provides
Rest purity and freshness
Sleep provides strength and zeal
For all activities
Do not give me worldly thought
And let me enjoy a sound sleep
In sound sleep connection
With the world snaps
And I get linked with Truth
Truth is You means almighty God
And it for this sleep is essential.

As You know excess of anything is bad
Excessive sleep is not good for
The mind body and senses
Excessive sleep makes a man indolent
And drowsy all the time
Excessive sleep degrade a man
Excessive sleep conduces a man
To perform forbidden actions
Excessive sleep lead a man to
Lower birth and to hell
That ruins him
Let us go with moderate sleep
Think about the consequences
Before doing any actions and it is essential.

gajanan mishra

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