I’ve spent my nights crying for you
And you don’t even know it.
Nobody does.
Nobody can see it.
Yet, I think it so obvious.
Someone close to you
Doesn’t even see the looks I get when you’re around.
They’ve been trying to guess who I think about.
Little do they know,
That person is you.
Sure they’ve guessed your name,
But it was just a guess.
The guess had no feeling or meaning.
It was like guessing how many people live on this Earth.
As soon as I said no,
They didn’t even think twice about it.
Maybe I should tell this friend of yours,
Maybe they can help,
But then again,
They’ll probably just laugh,
And that will only hurt.
After all,
Anything that has to do with you,
Always hurts.
The pain you’ve caused me,
Isn’t fair.
You don’t know how much your attitude,
Effects my mood.
I didn’t even know,
Until today.
I do love you,
But I can’t have you,
And that hurts,
Like I said,
Anything that has to do with you,
Always hurts.
Brianna Wilson