She said you may not be a poet but your songs might suit a balladeer
To sing in lounge room of a pub whilst drinkers enjoy their beer
For your's is fairly earthy stuff and not hard to understand
But like I say a high place in literature you never will command.
Your songs are for a balladeer and whilst he strums on his guitar
He takes the drinking migrants to their old homes afar
When he sings of birds and animals and the old hills far away
And in them awaken the old memories that were going into decay.
Songs for a balladeer she said just that and nothing more
To awaken the old memories of the misty Homeland shore
The lark high above the bracken is carolling in July
And singing whilst ascending a small speck in the sky.
Songs for a balladeer mate such is the stuff you write
And though in the World of literature you are a lesser light
I find your stuff interesting though it is old fashioned rhyme
And suppose you might have done well back in another time
Songs for a balladeer mate that's all your verses are
And in the World of literature your type never get far
I could tell you that your verse is good but then why should I lie
But at least you make the effort and one can't do more than try.
Francis Duggan