The second dawn of Spring is breaking gray
And on the wattle trees across the way
The whistling grey shrike thrushes are in song
At this time of year you hear them all day long.
The sounds of Nature pleasant to the ear
When Spring comes to the Southern Hemisphere
And the sun shines through after a few light showers
And light up the yet leafless fruit trees in their pinkish flowers.
With every passing day the warmer days draw near
Yet the weather pleasant at this time of year
The brooding bird sits quietly on her nest
As she warms to life her eggs beneath her breast.
In temperatures of around eighteen degrees
The sparrows chirping on the garden trees
And tiny thornbill with the big bird song
Around his borders singing all day long.
On this second calendar day of Spring
On trees and hedges wild birds chirp and sing
And pinkish flowers on yet leafless fruit trees bloom
And the garden scent of Nature's own perfume.
Francis Duggan