There was a waterfall
Playing over purple flowers—drinking them,
Feeding them the apiary of
Down from where they could not grow,
Distilling angels:
It was not the easiest thing to describe to
Even though a thousand angels walked
Down her path after midnight-
After the cars had parked
And the dogs had run: Now, those who could
Be kissing were kissing,
But a million more just so happened to
Be lost in their echoes—
Those who turned around were turned
To salt and so could not run—
They remained in the valley forever,
Topiary of salt-lick with
Salt mine hearts—the dear came and kissed
Them down to their knees:
It was kissing time down in the valley—
And everyone who possibly could stood
There listening—
After they paid their tickets, as the mountains
Listened to the breeze.
Robert Rorabeck