Lawrence S. Pertillar - Turn Off the Light

2014-06-11 30

I'm not always going to say those things you like.
In fact,
If I do say them...
You can take from me a hike.
I am not going to spend,
Trying to find a way,
To say nothing that offends your sensitive mind.
I'm not always going to say those things you like.
Especially not this time.

I'm not always going to say those things you like.
Or even try to stop them,
To keep my honesty on edge or uptight.
I may be wrong believing,
You to be the co-pilot in my life.
And when I think deeply about it...
I wish you'd parachute right out of my sight!
You don't want me to be sweet and nice!
You'd like me to roar or bark.
Like some animal you've domesticated to be home trained.
Listening to you whine until the wee hours of dark.

I did not see that movie.
And apparently you are still there viewing.
Snap, crackle and pop your ass out of that!

Perhaps I can be quite insensitive.
But there's a limit I'm not going to let,
Myself to you now give.
Since you enjoy whipping me into a huff and puff.
And that's the kind of stuff I've had enough.
Suffering from the agitating unbuffered fluff...
You like to give and not give up!

I'm not always going to say those things you like.
In fact,
If I do say them...
You can take from me a hike.
I am not going to sit up all night,
To hear the spite you have
For your so called two faced friends.
To leave me feeling like I'm the one,
Crazed and on the deep end.
With a mind spinning a madness beginning?
I'm not going to allow myself to get that comfortable.
Not with that in our bed.

I'm not always going to say those things you like.
Like shut the hell up!
And turn off the light.

Lawrence S. Pertillar