Dr John Celes - Indian Democracy Can Be Truly Great!

2014-06-11 14

If Indians can be patriotic more,
Democracy will thrive in our country;
If love for Motherland is truly great,
More Indians will get awards o'gallantry.

If leaders elected are more honest,
Elections will be held infrequently;
If people nurture civic sense and toil,
The nation will progress tremendously,

If love of fellowmen afills our hearts,
Poverty, illiteracy can't exist;
If duty to the nation remains first,
India can make a meteoric rise.

If women's, children's freedom is ensured,
The nation can forge ahead in great leaps;
If elderly are taken care of well,
God's blessings will be soon upon this land!

If people care for health and avoid vice,
Crime-rates will fall upon this sacred soil;
If love of peace and co-existence stays,
Exemplary will India become soon.
Jai Hind!
Copyright by Dr John Celes 15-08-2012

Dr John Celes
