Dr John Celes - ‘O Holy Spirit’ Prayer

2014-06-11 23

O Holy Spirit, dwell in me,
And drive away the evil ones,
So that I’m freed from temptations,
And concentrate on work for God.

O Holy Spirit, be my guide,
All through my earthly life till death,
And fill my soul with grace enough,
That I don’t veer from righteousness.

O Holy Spirit, protect me,
From foes that plan my destruction,
And block my progress, here on earth,
And make my mind crestfallen fast.

O Holy Spirit, watch o’er me,
All night and day and when I’m ill,
And make my heart and mind steadfast,
So that, I tread the road to God.

O Holy Spirit, inspire me
To follow conscience without fail,
In matters that can confuse minds,
Despite my knowledge and wisdom.

O Holy Spirit, be with me,
Consoling when grief springs surprise,
And when my mind is much disturbed,
And drives me to sin’s ravines deep.

O Holy Spirit, be my strength,
In everything I do for God,
And earn my heaven, while on earth,
And fetch more souls for God’s abode.

Copyright by Dr John Celes 3-1-2009

Dr John Celes
