Francis Duggan - A Good Sport

2014-06-11 18

His best ever finish is a seventeenth place
And 'tis likely now he'll never win any race
He goes by the nickname of 'the unplaced athlete'
But the main thing about him is that he does compete

As without his type others they could not run for gold
And stories of their greatness could not be written or told
And though for him the bonfires they never will blaze
He should be remembered and we should sing his praise.

He should be remembered for trying his best
And though always found wanting when put to the test
Great courage of him we should not deny
And credit him for giving it his best try

And credit him if only for taking part
A sportsman in ways and a sportsman at heart
He is always out jogging in rain, hail or sun
And every race to him is just a fun run.

He will never be one sports writers will recall
Though that doesn't bother him one bit at all
His next run the ten mile road race on Sunday
And of him 'a good sport' seems a fair thing to say.

Francis Duggan