Philip Lore - I Hate The Dentist Chair

2014-06-11 13

Moaning and groaning, hitting the roof,
Unbearable pain, I've got a bad tooth.
Nothing I take can ease the pain,
Not ice packs or aspirin...I'm going insane.

Relentless throbbing deep in my jaw,
At the end of my string, I head for the door.
Sweat covers my face, soaks my hair,
My body shakes, I'm filled with despair.

Waiting to see the dentist,
I hold in my fear,
Sharp pains pulsating,
My eyes starting to tear.
Holding my chin,
Running my fingers through my hair,
I fidget,
I cringe,
Thinking of the dentist chair.

He tries to hide the needle,
That will make my face so numb,
The dentist thinks he fooled me,
Does he think I'm that dumb?

I feel him drill at a merciless pace,
Oh God, bits and pieces hitting my face.
Smoke rises up, he continues to drill,
I begin to squirm, I can't sit still.

My eyes open wide, they flutter in pain,
Another big needle filled with novacaine.
My face gets numb,
Can't feel my nose,
Feel so uptight,
I Scrunch my toes.

He packs my jaw,
With wads of cotton,
Taste my blood,
Breath smells rotten.

With rubbery legs,
Sore finger tips,
I try to speak,
What's wrong with my lips?

Saliva dripping, down my chin,
I sound so silly, I begin to grin.

So I give you this message,
Believe me...It's true...
Don't eat candy...
Cause this will happen to you!

Philip Lore