ANANDA GOPAN - Daddy and Me..! ! ! ! (happy fathers day)

2014-06-11 17

My dad always smiles at me,
whenever i come across him, any where...
My dad always smile at me,
Even if i am sleeping....

He sings sometimes
under his breath-
every time,
even when he is distressed..
He sings a man's song
deep with all his feelings in it...
even though his song doesn't swing
the way my mom sings,
the way my brother sings
nor the way any one who know to sing swings...! ! !

My dad's voice starts and stops,
like a car short of gas,
like a engine choked with dust,
But then he clear his throat and the
song begins again.

He talk without any
The way i do...
He sleeps in that bed,
upper lip open,
The way i do...
I look like him,
i stand like him,
am all like him...
you are the best dad,
i love you the most..! ! !



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