You've lifted my spirit higher then the sky,
To a world unknown you've helped me fly..
But some day will come when you'll just go by,
Though I keep asking but I don’t know why..
You give me comfort in a way that you treat,
Candle that's burning is one that you lit.
You've stolen my soul every ounce of it,
But i don't know why it never hurt a bit..
You've given me delight and happiness unbound,
Always by my side whenever I turned around..
You're up there flying and I am on the ground,
But i don't know how do I manage to hound..
You speak a tone that flutters in my ears,
The strength that I get to face all my fears..
Sometimes your words do bring me to tears,
But I feel I've been listening this for years..
You help me forget all the problems I cart,
Source of my power, you've been from the start..
Knowing you won't always be close to my heart,
But I don't know why still I miss this part..
I can neither see my future nor do i want to,
All I care about is today I'm holding you..
You'll soon go away to begin something new,
But i don't know why my eyes look for you..
Don't question my love if it's true or fake,
Open your heart, see the difference it makes..
All my life I'll wait for my angel to wake,
Don't get me wrong for my beautiful mistake..
Abhijit Surve