My Inspiration growing up would have to be my very own mom Thelma Ligons. She not only taught me how to be a young lady but she showed me in her actions, as she carried herself around other people. People are probably wondering why I didn’t pick someone else well it’s because. My Mother well my mommy has always giving me advice on how to carry myself around people, how to carry myself around strangers. If it wasn’t for this lady then I would’ve not have turn out into this nice young lady that you have before you today. She is my pick for inspiration for being the example of how to be a soldier for the Lord, she is my inspiration on how to be a prayer warrior, she is my inspiration on how stick up for my religion when I am faced in battle against it.
My mom has been my inspiration for eighteen years and may it be longer Lord willing. I can’t imagine her not inspiring to do things right, she has inspired me to go to college to make something of myself; she has inspired me to do things that I thought I couldn’t. Her inspiration has carried on through me like if she had put sewn it on me. I really appreciate my Mother’s Inspiration and what it has done for me. Praise God for her cause her inspiring has lead to great miracles and many good deeds.
Inspiration you ask well I just gave you my inspiration. My best friend and she will always be my mommy till the day that I die.
A mother is...A role model, someone who you can look up to, and someone that will give great advice. A mother is...A comedian, someone that's always there to make you laugh, someone that can always make you smile. My mother is...Sugar and spice, everything nice. Creative, fun, special. Artistic, jazzy, surprising. Goofy, crazy, smiley. She’s my mother, and I love her.
Natasha Ligons