Li'l One - Waiting In The Darkness

2014-06-11 6

Today I died
Not on the outside of course
But inside I died
My heart broken
I heard it break
When you uttered those immortal words
It’s nothing you did wrong
It’s me

Now here I lie dead to the world
I try to pretend my feelings died also
But they still cause me pain
Like liquid metal thru my veins
I want to tear myself apart
Hunt down the hurt
And tear it from myself
But I can’t
For you infected every fibre of me
From my mind, heart and soul

I pray
To no one
But I still pray
For you to find your way
Then maybe you’ll find your way
Back to me
For I am here, lying broken
Awaiting your hands
To bring me back to life
For without you
I feel I have no life

You awakened my deepest desires
My inner fires
Now they are extinguished
But an ember survives
Still burns bright
The hope you’ll will find your way
Out of the darkness
And bring the light
Back to my life
So my ember may glow
And one day burn for you again

Li'l One