Lawrence S. Pertillar - You Are 'Bestowed' the Blessings

2014-06-11 0

Remember this...
To you are bestowed the blessings.
Gifts given to which through you flow.
Those blessings are for you to share.
Your presence 'is' a blessing.
Your wish to be worshipped,
As if you are The Creator...
Of the light that glows.
Is not the way it works.
Or the way it goes.

To you are 'bestowed' the blessings.
The Creator provides,
Those blessings to be bestowed.
The Creator,
Those blessings,
To be bestowed.

Remember this...
You are 'bestowed' the blessings.
To assist.
Not create to provide.

Many get this twisted.
To stir up for themselves,
Endless conflict.

Lawrence S. Pertillar