Kathleen J. Shields - You Lost Your Mother

2014-06-11 29

I know what you are feeling, I’ve felt it too my love
Our mother’s are now in heaven, looking down from above.
The sadness you are feeling, I know it is profound
And I know how hard it is, when others are around.

But take their love and cherish it, hold tight to it my dear
Because the coming days will be difficult I fear.
Only you will know your pain and only you can share it
Please talk to us about your grief, let us help you bear it.

Your mother loved you greatly, as I know my mom did too
Take to heart this simple truth, she wouldn’t have wanted to leave you.
You were everything to her, you were her pride and joy
You were her brilliant, handsome child, her precious little boy

So don’t rush yourself or your feelings now, take your time to say goodbye
And do not feel ashamed if you feel you need to cry.
Think about her often, think about her love
And think about her smiling at you from up above.

Kathleen J. Shields
