Greg Oosterhouse - Too Much In Love With Love

2014-06-11 0

What wondrous news! You tell me that you are in love!
You must be feeling on top of the world, like you could soar above

The highest mountains and clouds. Indeed, to be in love is the most
wonderful feeling ever. It makes you smile just to think of the ones you host

in your heart. I too, am in love, with my family and friends,
they all mean so much to me. Throughout the day, my heart spends

its time beating in honor of its residents. Each one is a priceless treasure.
Every time I think of them, I smile. I love them all beyond measure.

I give, give, and give my love whenever I can, but I feel I receive little back.
Oh yes, my loved ones have made me feel their love, but still, I lack

the feeling of great happiness I hope I give them. So I tell you
this, do not be too much in love with love, as I have become. Do

not give the roses in your vase too much water, thereby overwhelming them,
so that they could not possibly give you back the beauty you desire. 'Ahem',

they say to you, 'how do you expect us to keep blooming if you
keep choking us with so much TLC? ' It is like asking a choking man to

administer CPR, it is just not done. You must allow them to catch
up, to let them absorb the love you give. Then you can snatch

their love up that you will feel so ecstatic, so full of love,
that the only thing you can do is thank the Lord above.

Greg Oosterhouse

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