We are two women
Nothing alike
Mother and daughter
In a constant fight
I asked why did she even have me
She sat me down and said:
I wished you into existence
A Woman nothing like myself
Who I always wanted to be
I am like an oyster
Ugly at times with many a flaw
But deep inside I kept the best of me
A creation of awe
You would be perfection
Though an irritation at times
But I polished up my best of me
Into ball that would shine
In order for the world to see
The part I kept hidden, the best of me
You would have to be cut right out of my heart
To set your beauty free
I grow older
My life coming to it’s end
To the world
I send out my most precious gem
The answer is simple
Why I brought you into this world
I am an Oyster
And you are my Pearl
Wanda Swim Strunk