Mark Heathcote - Fagan or scrooge

2014-06-11 8

Oh lord; I'm a dragon on prescription
With fire waters too tame.
Oh don't get scared, babe
There are no ice waters in my veins.

But, oh babe I'm counting on you
Oh I've been counting on your tears…
On those long eyelashes trying not to cry
-Abed of rain, the way they've done for years…

Babe, pass me a chilled long beer
And sit on the sofa right over here
Woman you're just a drinking, amateur
And, oh babe I'm not fooling around…

Oh lord; I'm a dragon on prescription
With fire waters too tame.
Oh don't get scared, babe
There are no ice waters in my veins.

Oh sweet divinity, woman beholden
I'm just a child on a bike
Till, I'm eternally free of all your wanton rage
And passion for me
Oh I'm just looking to saddle or even freewheel…
Whatever's welcomingly, about?

Oh, oh, oh, all I want to do… is fan the oven
But, oh lord she's a lazy cooker
Oh Lord, have mercy, on their mercy, oh her
Oh lord even now at 84 I still love her
Fagan or scrooge, who am I to pretend
I've not got the blues,
I still want her or her younger sister's friend…
Over; my old rickety rocking, chair.

Mark Heathcote