Rex mayor Ubini - On Your Fairy Wings

2014-06-11 1

Nature tales you with words sublime,
From mouth aloof such we heard,
You are neither a foe nor a friend,
But we are not grieved, we understand,
A pause of your leg is the very end,
A huge alarm to all breath,
On the face of this thorny earth.

You are the millipede, the cheeta,
Tread slow, run faster,
O restless horse of ages,
The chariot of seasons,
The carrier of fates and prophecies,
On your fairy wings.

On you we are cautioned
To cast our eyes from youth and age
We do even on the wings of change
On your fairy wings
We are on a journey by winds
Sometimes the miles look bleak
Yet we learn to crawl
When our legs are week
Knowing you won't wait if we fall
We would crawl and crawl and walk

You are the millipede, the cheeta,
Tread slow, run faster,
O restless horse of ages,
The chariot of seasons,
The carrier of fates and prophecies,
On your fairy wings.

We heard, we see, their ill fate,
Those who walked on quick lane,
Meandering their way on life's voyage,
Faster than their dark nomadic image
But Jealous silhouette stumbles
Their feet on nemesis.
And patience, yes patience,
Is one word you teach with a faint voice,
The future haunts by the spirits
We failed to appease in the past,
And wisdom is not to fly over so fast.
But to walk by your pace
With skyward faith

You are the millipede, the cheeta,
Tread slow, run faster,
O restless horse of ages,
The chariot of seasons,
The carrier of fates and prophecies,
On your fairy wings.

Rex mayor Ubini