Denis Martindale - Lazy Days!

2014-06-11 31

Oh, my word, that tiger's lazy!
Has he lost all his powers?
Or perhaps he's just plain crazy?
He hasn't moved for hours!
I know there's snow upon the ground
And there's not much to do,
Yet there he stays like he's snow bound
And hasn't got a clue!

D'you think he's hungry just like me?
Or has he had his fill?
He lays there like he's fancy free
And like he always will...
I've never seen the like before,
No point in taking pics!
He's absolutely quite the bore,
I'm twiddling thumbs for kicks!

Hey, you! Wake up and do something!
Get off your derriere!
Excuse me, pal, for wondering,
But please get up from there!
Oh, Lord, he's really moving fast!
Well, how was I to know?
OK, the time for jokes is past,
We've really got to go!

Denis Martindale, copyright, November 2013.

A second poem based on the magnificent painting
by Stephen Gayford called 'Lazy Days'.

More Stephen Gayford poems here:

Denis Martindale