RoseAnn V. Shawiak - A True Friend Always

2014-06-11 1

Reeling from sentiments said by a friend
whom I've known for thirty years.
Being so good to me all along,
working on projects together through the years,
always able to count on each other no matter what.
Helping market my poetry, getting me published,
believing in me whole-heartedly.
Understanding the poet sensitive side, realizing
how deeply my spirituality really goes.
Knowing too, that poems of sadness, emptiness,
loneliness, abandonment, suicide, are all written
about not only myself, but people I know and have
met through years of life.
Never holding me up to intriguing curiosity, just
walking alongside of me, trusting, caring, loving
me and what I do in life.
Explaining her thoughts to me while acknowledging
the truths of who I really am.
An empath, feeling intensely all emotions others
put out to me, asking for help just by listening
and being a friend to each individual.
Never compromising her friendship or what it means
to her.
A forthright, truthful, honest, caring person.
My friend for life.

RoseAnn V. Shawiak