Harley White - Antimatter Chitter-Chatter

2014-06-11 16

Why are we matter and not antimatter, or are we the latter and think that we're not?
Brought into contact the one with the other the two would annihilate right on the spot.

Opposites attract— some do—
but in this case it isn't true,
for in that mirror image clash
the counterparts destroy their doppelgangers in a flash…

and thus give rise to high-energy photons
that is to say, to gamma rays,
or other particles like antiprotons
in what could be another phase…

While an antiproton and a positron can form
an atom antihydrogen that's almost the norm
of a hydrogen atom, a physicist, instead
made of antimatter— to continue with the thread—
in antimatter lab with chemicals and stuff
composed of antiparticles too sure enough
would find in all experiments practically the same
results as would a matter twin with an equal aim.

Whew! Loopy loo—
much ado…

Strange all this difference should be
'twixt Tweedledum and Tweedledee…
Though ‘ditto' one the other goes,
they took up quarreling as foes.

Did Alice through the looking-glass
into antimatter pass—
with Hatter mad, alack, alas,
sentenced to death by

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