Anthony Somoza - Mankinds hearts

2014-06-11 2

if there is evil on this earth,
it lies in the hearts of mankind,
they told us to break the links,
of the heaven that holds are strings,
as we broke the judgement,
of their selfish creed in tender fear,
we run from their time of cream,
we run from their savage towns,
and its storms of aching screams,
laughing at the damage they have caused,
drinking for everyone thats been lost,
moving on just to satisfy the pain,
is this humankind? ,
are we doing this in vain,
follow my orders shouted the soldier,
charge and obliterate,
soldiers charging with no second thought,
soldiers collapsing with the pain they sought,
generals cheer with the winning they brought,
do we do this opurpose, n
making the saturated mess,
turning the innocence hexed,
following the code of the greedy king's crest,
Pan and Dionysus appear,
the gods of revelry and rebirth,
Dionysus give's his flesh to this earth,
to take evil out of everyone's church,
to make the whole earth rebirth,
to perge the evil merge,
lying to god him herself,
trying to explain how all this came to be,
is she or he real,
believe in your faith,
better than falling from the cliffs of the unfaith,
so I say should this earth make a new,
with all the evil it has brew,
in the end the hearts of humankind will always lie,
in the end we will sin the most and cry,
in those days you wont stand,
you wont stand anything,
I wont stand,
hell and heaven is a way to make amends,
I must make amends,
we're better off this way,
then to be let off a stray,
we'll hold down the evil in our hearts,
the evils that leaves scars.

Anthony Somoza