Dr John Celes - Lenten Reflections 2013 (In Acrostic)

2014-06-11 42

L earn to love God in every way you can
E nter into a divine accord with the Lord
N ourish your mind, heart and soul with piety
T rounce satan and devils for eternity
E ndear the Lord of Hosts through hymns of praise
N ever try to sin in even the least of ways

R epeatedly pray the Rosary and read the Holy Bible
E merge clearly out of your habitual sins
F ast as much and as long as you possibly can
L ove your poor neighbors through alms-giving
E mulate the lives of saints and of martyrs
C onfess your sins to the priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation
T otally abstain from meat of every kind and savoury foods
I mitate the passion of Christ at the Stations of the Cross
O ffer masses for various intentions
N ullify the temptations that come your way
S acrifice in every way as part of penance for all your past sins

Copyright by Dr John Celes 15-02-2013

Dr John Celes
