Gladys Brown Prince - There Is Always A Rainbow

2014-06-11 71

The rainbow now you cannot see
With colours as clear as can be
To mark the path of destiny
So often trod when saints are sad
The road to victory is never had
By those who slight the road less trod

The radiance that a rainbow brings
Can never compare to anything
Its beauty and its splendor sing
To countless throngs in land of songs
Yet no one dare to understand
The love and beauty it commands

The rainbow oft' disguised by cloud
Is often seen but not by crowd
For only those who are not so proud
Will take the time to gaze inside
And often it's not the natural sight
But what's inside turns on the light

The person whom the Lord has called
To be shades of rainbow in the world
Be your colour bright or dim
Just shine as if you are a diadem
If tunnel long you must venture in
Then sure enough He'll go with you

So brother or sister you must prepare
To shape the destiny that you share
No labour here will ever compare
With what the rainbow clouds declare
Whether tears of joy or inward pain
The rainbow clouds are there to see.

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Gladys Brown Prince