Lawrence S. Pertillar - Warnings Aren't As Effective

2014-06-11 0

Most times a warning,
Isn't as effective...
As the experience itself.

A child seems not to learn,
Until an action taken...
Creates the right affect.

It's like overeating and cheating.
Two essentially different concepts,
When one defines them.

Lieing about either one of them,
Produces the same result.
It eventually shows.

Most people who are embarrassed...
Immediately seek to deny the truth.

Most times warnings aren't as effective,
As the experience itself.
The experience once admitted,
Doesn't have to be devastating...
If one seeks the right counseling,
And is determined to be honest with 'self'...
To get from under the weight,
Of what becomes obvious to many as seen.

Lawrence S. Pertillar