Edgar Andrade Baguio - A Stargazer's Quest

2014-06-11 11

What is the difference
between a lie and a cheat?
Does it make one a liar
and the other a cheater?
Or both are catalysts of deceit?
Answer me stalker I pray thee!
Just to end this quest for a day
But I am not a stalker you see!
Just a sojourner from moon to mid-day
Who tried to kill a devil on my bed
Instead, quenched my thirst for 'newly wed'
So I constrained my hands to rest
For that one is a fake devil in vest

Then a murmuring decibel I hardly heard
Why should I lay my hand on this bird?
When the real one I already tasted,
Where no dull moments are wasted;
In my heart and soul are longing indeed!
For my Prince of the darkest moon weed
Until my craving flesh felt his stale bones
From now to the eleventh moon of cones

Should I dare to stare or gaze still,
As I will sup with him in that helly hill?
And let him ring my bell to swell?
Whereupon I swing his tail as well;
Perhaps I would just be left to answer
This inevitable echoing tone like cancer:

'Which one is a lie and a cheat?

That illusionary reality I replaced?
Or this real illusion I dearly embraced? '

Edgar Andrade Baguio
