The poem is but a facade, a portrait with no paint,
But the poet puts life behind every page
Words that can only be understood at the end of time
Words that are colorful; Words that never age,
The Bible on the shelf, Psalms comes to mind,
As words are read, the poet dreams of love, true and kind
The poet seeks to understand the poetic nature of the Biblical saint
Even when everything in life is dismal, gray, and faint,
And the ink runs out: this is the life of a poet.
But I suppose you’d say “Sure, I know it! ”
But did you know, everything quiets down, the words eloquent and quaint
And it doesn’t matter, for the pen has lost its touch,
If there are words to write, they aren’t very much
And this is truly the life of an artist, the life of a poet?
chad fisher