Tarryn Vaughan - Visions of Imagination

2014-06-11 4

Its 2am and im lying here, i cant fall asleep.. Isnt there someone out there? You said you would always be there so where are you? why do we let our minds be captivated by something we have not see? How can we believe? For isnt seeing believing? Isnt it the way to your heart? Have you ever wished on a falling star? Ever fallen so far that you thought it was the end? Ever fallen so hard, and took so long to get back up just to get knocked over again? Ever thought that tomorrow could be the end? End of the world? End of a relationship? or End of a friend? . Ever wondered if life was a learning journey or just something that was there to test you? For seeing is believing, you probably wont believe untill you see it happen.. Are we real or could we just be visions of peoples imaginations...

Tarryn Vaughan
