Allysyn Bryant - Don't Lie to Me

2014-06-11 39

Please, my friend, don't lie to me
We've been friends for years
Through the good and bad
I've been there for you..
And you for I.

For a while we broke apart, I know
We may be completely different then we were once before
But, my friend, I beg of you
Don't Lie to Me

Yes, I know we have our history
Seacrets are there hidden deep
Underneath the scars that we both have learned to keep
wounds are closed and healed
Don't bring them back
With your burning, twisted lies.

If you wish to leave, just tell me.
If there's something that you don't want me to know,
Just say so, but please don't lie.
For a time we were all we had
Close we had become at one point
Now we have miles betwwen us
Please, please, Don't Lie to Me

The bitter truth, I can handle if I must
But the lies are what kill me most
Don't Lie to Me, anything else

But, please, Don't Lie to Me.

October 9th,2008

Allysyn Bryant